The River Medway
Photo credit: Taïs Bean

Her Story

Her story is diverse, for she has served as a stage for tales of conquest, travel adventures, and innovation. She is also home to significant ancient and prehistoric sites, evidencing the rich and dynamic history that humans have had with the River across time. Chamber tombs and burial sites from both the Stone Age and Iron Age can be found in the area of her banks, whilst ornaments and beakers from the Bronze Age have also been discovered. She has been at the centre of human activities for thousands of years, serving as a vital lifeline through the generous provision of water and natural materials. Kentish folks even knew themselves as either a Man of Kent or a Kentish Man depending on whether they were born north or south of the Medway, showing how much she has played an important part in both the development and identity of humans.
Photo credit: Dan Leak


Coming soon.


The inhabitants

The River's inhabitants have changed over time. Before the sixteenth century, for example, beavers used to wade in her banks, building dams that supported the harmonious workings of the ecosystem. Yet different human activities — such as excessive hunting and pollution — led to a decline in wildlife, meaning that some species no longer reside in her waters. She is still home to some beautiful creatures, including:

* Carp
* Eel
* Pike
* Chub
* Roach
* Brown Trout
* White Admiral Butterly
* Purple Emperor Butterfly
* Common Blue Butterfly
* Reeds and Sedges
* Damselflies, Dragonflies and Demoiselles
* Heron
* Kingfisher
* Water Rail

There have also been occasional sightings of Osprey, Great Crested Grebe, Swans, Goldcrests and a myriad of According to the Sussex Fungi Group, over 59 species of fungi were spotted during just one fungi foray along a stretch of the Upper Medway at Weirwood in 2017.
Photo credit: Dan Leak

The ecosystem

When we look at a river, we are looking at a whole living system - from individual species to water, soil and sunlight. An ’ecosystem’ refers to the living species in a given place and/or community an how they function together, whilst the ecology looks at the relationship within and beyond that ecosystem. The inhabitants of the River have a relationship with one another, but also the elements that surround them. Together they are striving to work  in perfect balance with one another so that they can both live and thrive.

Photo credit: Taïs Bean
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